Part 72: The End

If you are interested in stories with happy endings, then you would be better off somewhere else. In this story not only is there no happy ending, but there was no happy beginning, and very few happy things in between.
My name is DoubleNegative and it is my solemn duty to bring to light the sorry ending of Pokemon Insurgence. But you reading this have no such obligation and I would advise all of you to hit the back button and read something much more pleasant instead.

All dumb quotes aside, I would strongly urge everyone reading to consider the LP story over as of the previous update. Let this ending stand in the same light as the Harry Potter epilogue.
Let's start this update off by doing another Legendary roundup. I don't even bother trying to catch these, as a warning.
Once we beat the Elite Four rematch, some sky portals open up while soaring. This particular one is south of Route 15. You can see Genesect's prison next to that Pelipper.

This particular portal leads us to a meadow where Xerneas is hanging out and minding its own business. We'll just leave it alone.

The other sky portal is found next to Deyraan Town. You can see the Mt. Rose Caldera in the background.

This portal leads us to a very high cliff.

Yveltal can be found here. Like with Eikthyrnir before, I don't really want to try and capture Hraesvelgr, so we'll just leave it alone to continue mourning the loss of Saint Shiva.

For the very last time, we're off to Holon. A new legendary has appeared here.

A new sky portal has opened up above the Gaea Core.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you...

The last Delta in the game.

Delta Hoopa is pure Flying type. Its only ability is Cloud Nine.
As with regular Hoopa, you can show it to the dude in Amphitrite City to get the Cloud Bottle to get its unleashed form. It seems like it's pretty good, but because it only becomes available at the actual end of the postgame, it's kinda like Mewtwo in RBY. It's a bragging rights prize only.

That's the last pokemon I'll be catching in this LP! It was only fitting that it be the last Delta type too.

While I was in Suntouched City, I randomly decided to look at Jaern's statue. I appreciate that the graffitied version is actually added after he is disgraced.

Let's drop by Dev Island next.

Suzerain is here to greet us.

This is DankRabbit. He's listed on the main Insurgence page as an artist.

He has his own Gateau. Shell Smash + Simple is a nasty combination.

This is MrSinger, the man behind the music.

I don't even know where to begin with this, but I do know that I don't want any of whatever it is.

1ofthe4rocketbros is the wiki admin.

Armored Delta Volcarona, Primal Arceus, Defense Deoxys... fuckin yikes.

LunarDusk is another artist. His picture on the Insurgence main site has him with a tiny Delta Noibat on his shoulder, so that was probably his baby.

So many of the pokemon we used have shown up on these guys' teams for a reason. His Delta Arcanine is basically Glory, just replacing Return with Earthquake.

DemonKnight is listed as an Alpha Tester on the website.

Some of these teams I'm just looking at and saying "fuck" out loud because... well, fuck.

Zero_Breaker is another artist.

He leads with a Speed Boost Scolipede with Focus Sash! Oh and it can just Baton Pass on the next turn to give the next one in line a leg up.

Sleepymon12 is the other Alpha Tester on the dev team.

I love the Delta Maractus with four Metronomes on its move list.

Dekuhoofd is the "Online Developer" which means that the game's calling home and online features all work because of him. Also his battle sprite is wielding a banahmmer.

Oh, no biggie. He only leads with a fucking Primal Groudon, and then also has a Gale Wings Talonflame and a Flinchakiss just for flavor.

EchoTheThird is the lead artist on Pokemon Insurgence.

They also managed to find a way to make Delta Golem work out.

In order to enter the tower, we have to beat these first nine devs. Once we do, we get the right to challenge Suzerain, the lead developer.

At first glance this team doesn't look nearly as bad. Then you start to notice all the mean little tricks in it. Like Hex and Toxic on a Gengar. Or Focus Energy and a Scope Lens on the Kingdra.
So that's all well and good, but what's the prize for taking on the ultimate challenge in this game?

I've mentioned it several times before, but here it is again. The chance to fight the Lake Spirit Trio. It's a shitty prize, to be honest.

But say for the sake of argument that you do it. That you manage to beat the devs and catch the trio. Say that against all odds you manage to get 920/921 Pokedex completion. If you do so, then this gateway will be open
The RPG Maker map files suggest that there's an abandoned research station inside the gateway.

The plaque on the wall has some text...

The second floor has some lore and stuff.
The Spire

The Readings

There's also a few scattered consumables, but nothing really worth mentioning.

The third floor continues with the lore books.
Analysis of the Signals

The Project

The Results

The fourth floor has the portal room on the left, and more lore over on the right.
The Password
This is a super secret document and should be destroyed immediately. Do NOT just store it on a bookshelf where somebody can read it! The password for the portal device is "chandrasekhar". Do NOT activate it! What we found out there MUST stay out there!
Successfully activating the portal leads us to...

There's absolutely nothing out there but...

This cute little thing. This is UFI. It's Psychic/Electric type. Its ability is Event Horizon (Any Pokemon that contacts this one can't escape). It's basically Arena Trap but only if you make contact.
Its pokedex entry is: An unidentified infantile Pokemon, from beyond the visible universe. It has taken up residence in the Oort Cloud.
Its stats are 100 across the board, with 600BST.

Nanorepair heals for 50% and then raises defense by 1 stage. The heal is apparently currently bugged and does not work.

Now that we've got all that stuff out of the way, let's start winding things down. We're heading to Gaea Town first.

There's only one nickname that you could give this Celebi.

After Nora, there's still one more person to say our farewells to...

Back into the Dream Realm one last time.

With the Elite Four rematch beaten, we can go catch Deoxys way over in the Nightmare Badlands. It's behind that relic song wall I pointed out several updates back. We're not here for that.

We're here to talk to Damian.

As a final bug, Damian straight up doesn't give you the last starter egg. There's no fix for it, either. We just don't get to have a Ninja Squirtle.

And so... Pokemon Insurgence ends on a major downer. One of Amy's best friends has decided it would be better to be literally anywhere else, and so she has left the Torren Region altogether, never to return. The other has effectively done the same by leaving this plane of existence, finding it preferable to live in the dream world.
Finally on top of the world, Amy wound up no better than Red in the end... completely alone except for her pokemon.

Thanks for reading, everyone. I'm sorry this had to end in such a fashion, but we all knew that a "dark and mature" game could never end any other way but in tragedy.